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In the Framework of the “Green Guria” Project Supported by the European Union, Informational Meetings are Held with the Local Population in Guria
Within the framework of the EU-funded “Green Guria – Supporting Local Democracy and Rural Development for Inclusive and Resilient Green Growth” project, CENN, together with partner organisations: the Young Pedagogues’ Union, the Institute of Democracy, and the Local Action Group of KEDA (LAG), is holding informational meetings with the local population in Guria.
Meetings with the population living in the villages of all three municipalities of Guria are held and aim to inform the local population about the project, local development groups (LAGs) and opportunities to join these groups.
Within the framework of the project, it is planned to create a Local Action Group (LAG) in all three municipalities of the Guria region (Ozurgeti, Chokhatauri and Lanchkhuti). The LAG is an active citizens’ union composed of representatives of the municipality, private, public and civil sectors, which is involved in determining the priorities of rural development, developing the local development strategy of the municipality, and implementing and monitoring grant projects corresponding with the strategy. Any adult interested in the development of their municipality can join and participate in the groups.
To apply for group membership, please visit the appropriate link by May 31:
Ozurgeti Municipality Local Action Group (LAG) membership application form
Chokhatauri Municipality Local Action Group (LAG) membership application form
Lanchkhuti Municipality Local Action Group (LAG) membership application form